Happy Halloween!



Xylitol is a sugar alcohol commonly used as an artificial sweetener in a variety of foods and products that we use today. It is a sugarless crystalline powder that resembles real sugar, but contains fewer calories and produces different effects on the human body. Because small amounts of xylitol are found in fruits and vegetables, the corporations that use this ingredient have found it quite safe for human consumption. This ingredient is found in some brands of chewing gum, candy, peanut butter and even toothpaste. In this post, we wish to address xylitol toxicity to dogs, gain insight on reading ingredient labeling on product and provide resourceful information for emergency pet care. 

Collectively, it’s safe for us to agree that having excess Halloween candy floating around the home or office isn’t the worst thing that can happen to us. As humans, there are times that we all feel that craving in our sweet tooth. With this, we wish to bring awareness to the fact that xylitol is known to be very dangerous, and even fatal when consumed by a dog. The reason for this outcome is because once dog’s body absorbs xylitol in the bloodstream, they experience a release of insulin from the pancreas which can result in hypoglycemia, also know as low blood sugar. It only takes about 15-30 minutes after consumption that you may observe intense symptoms in your pet. The signs to look out for include in coordination, vomiting, weakness, tremors, seizures, depression and lethargy. 

For safety precautions, consider and discuss with your family a proper way to store Halloween candy away from your pet. If you observe any odd behavior in your dog and suspect they have been exposed to xylitol, the pet poison helpline is a great 24-hour poison control resource for pet care. The contact information for this nationwide help line is: (800) 213-6680. For anyone seeking in-person emergency animal assistance in the Milwaukee and metro-Milwaukee area, there is one  24-hour clinic located in Greenfield, Wis. The contact information for the Milwaukee Emergency Center for Animals is (414) 543-7387. 

Although we may not have easy access to ingredient labels on loose candy that we’ve gathered from every house in our neighborhood or subdivision, we do want to especially note the importance of checking for xylitol on the ingredient labels of dental hygiene products. The best way to keep your dog’s safety in mind is by monitoring the ingredients found in the products you bring into your home, or always remembering to keep the products in a safe place away from your pet. 

The staff at Healing Hands and Paws are wishing you a VERY HAPPY and SAFE Halloween! 

By: Danica Nikezic

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